For those of us that practice Karate, as a way of life "Fidelity" is an essential desirable attribute that we live by. In Sansei it is considered that ungratefulness is the most unforgivable sin. We are concerned with the attitude of man to his fellow man.
Apart from the small monetary consideration involved in joining the organization, the member incurs a responsibility of “high-quality human”. In terms of loyalty, this means avoiding anything, which might comprise a defamatory account about other members, or otherwise do anything to lower a member in the eyes of others. Each individual student is a show window of the organization, and slander of the student is slander of the organization and the art. We in the organization should be more than generous in our desire to help each other progress. To treat each other with less than deep consideration would be ungrateful.
The statements also apply to the dojo sensei, but in a very special way, since he is a direct link in the centuries-long chain of masters who have transmitted their knowledge and ethics to their students, now passed down to the students of his dojo. I expect all the members of the organization to embody their own integrity, ethics and accomplishments, as well as those of the masters through which you can trace your lineage, and these in turn become Karate tradition for the present day member. The student who runs his teachers down in the face of his heritage is an ingrate indeed.