World Tiger & Crane

Goju Karate-Do Organization

1550 W 84 Street, Hialeah, Fl 33014

(786) 380-9455



The membership due’s structure for 2009 will be as follows:



Adult Black Belts …………. $ 100.00

Black Belts 17 and Under…. $ 75.00

Kyu Belts …………………. $ 50.00



All dues and fees are due no later than March 15, 2009. Dues paid after the above date will be subject to a $25.00 late fee. Over the last few years payment of dues has become very lax with more then one member not paying their dues while still using the World tiger & Crane name and reputation.

This practice is no longer acceptable.

Accounts more then 30 days past due will have their Dojo and or names removed from the Organization’s active member list








Joe Anon, Hanshi

* Make all Checks payable to World Tiger & Crane Goju Karate-Do Organization. No Cash

World Tiger & Crane Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Organization



Membership Application


Full Name _____________________________________

Home Address__________________________________

City,______________ State,_______ Zip Code,________


Home, (____) ____________ Work, (____) ____________

Cell, (____) __________ Email_____________________

Date of Birth ____/_____/_____ Age_________

Male / Female       Height ________ Weight__________

Dojo Name___________________________________

Sensai Name__________________________________

Current Rank______________ Date of Rank__________

Job or Profession________________________________

Medical Problems________________________________